I did it. I tore myself away from the computer and other distractions long enough to make this project using the nuthatch that I painted on muslin. I cut it out and sewed it into this little fabric collage. The words at the top are from a poem by my favorite poet, Emily Dickinson. Here is the complete poem.
High from the earth I heard a bird;
He trod upon the trees
As he esteemed them trifles,
And then he spied a breeze,
And situated softly
Upon a pile of wind
Which in a perturbation
Nature had left behind.
A joyous-going fellow
I gathered from his talk,
Which both of benediction
And badinage partook,
Without apparent burden,
I learned, in leafy wood
He was the faithful father
Of a dependent brood;
And this untoward transport
His remedy for care,—
A contrast to our respites.
How different we are!
I have to show you the back side of this piece because I like it almost as much as the front. My friend, Caryl, gave me some of this gorgeous mock suede fabric when she sent me my skinny book page.